New to Every By IRIS or an existing user of our HR, Compliance, or Payroll Software?
Our webinars are designed to address current challenges faced by schools and trusts. We also run webinars to support users of our HR and compliance management systems to get the most from their Every By IRIS software!
How to use an ATS to transform recruitment in your school or MAT
Does your school or MAT’s recruitment process:
Feel clunky?
Mean it takes you ages to rifle through incomplete applications to find quality ones?
Have you spending precious time chasing candidates for information?
If you can answer ‘yes’ to one or all of these statements, then it’s time to give your recruitment process a fresh start.
Watch Haleema’s session to find out how an applicant tracking system (ATS) makes the recruitment process smoother for staff, and more attractive to applicants.
It’s your chance to see Every HR’s ATS in action to understand how it works and who can use it.
- Wednesday 29th January
- 10am to 10:30am
How KNGS secured capital funding with the help of Every Compliance
Join us as we look at what makes school capital funding applications successful with Clare Skinner, Business Manager at Kings Norton Girls’ School.
In 2025, KNGS will become an academy school within WMAT, a new multi-academy trust (West Midlands Academy Trust).
Earlier this year, KNGS received just short of £700k from the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) for an urgent site rebuild – and we’ll be finding out what made the bid a success!
Since 2022, the school has used our compliance software, Every Compliance, for numerous estate activities, like logging and tracking reactive maintenance requests. Clare turned this trail of maintenance into evidence to support KNGS’s application for CIF.
Find out what this involved by joining the session!
- Tuesday 5th November
- 12pm to 12:45pm
How to boost confidence in compliance across your MAT
The list of what your staff and sites must be compliant with is long. And it’s only growing, particularly for MATs that are expanding and taking on more academies (or hoping to, soon).
But compliance doesn’t have to keep you up at night…
Join us to look at a fresh approach to compliance management, whether that’s how you log risks and incidents or feeling confident that all staff have read KCSIE 2024-2025.
We’ll show you how your MAT could benefit from our compliance management tool, Every Compliance!
- Wednesday 20th November
- 10am to 10:30am
How integrated HR and payroll is benefitting PACT’s staff
Join us for a conversation with Nicola Johnson, Director of People & Culture at Prince Albert Community Trust (PACT).
The trust started using our education HR software (Every HR) in April 2023, which also integrates with Dataplan Education, their payroll provider.
We’ll be speaking to Nicola about the trust’s key drivers for these integrated systems, plus:
- What Every HR and Dataplan Education look like in action at PACT
- The benefits the integration has brought to the trust
- Nicola’s advice to schools/trusts on the features to look for when selecting a suitable HR and payroll solution
- Wednesday 20th November
- 2:30pm to 3:15pm
Contracts & contractors: How MATs can achieve economies of scale
Growing MATs and ongoing budget tightness is making it difficult for central teams to decide where funds need prioritising – and where it can come from.
Effective contract and contractor management is a prime opportunity for MATs to spot ways to create economies of scale and end contracts that are draining the bank, offering no financial reward.
Join Stephen for a half an hour webinar that explores tangible ways you can save and get best value for money with your MAT’s contracts.
- Wednesday 13th November
- 10am to 10:30am
The School Workforce Census: Top tips for a stress-free submission
The School Workforce Census is nearly upon us once again. We’re keen to make the submission as straightforward as possible for you!
Watch Matt’s 45-minute session where he’ll advise you on best practice for making your school’s submission to the DfE accurate and error-free. Learn:
- How to keep employee data up to date all year-round to save chasing it this November
- When to start populating Census information to avoid errors and a last-minute rush
- Why our school HR software, Every HR, is your Census saviour
- Friday 18th October
- 10am to 10:45am
Your 30-minute KCSIE compliance refresher
On 1st September, the latest version of ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (KCSIE) from the DfE came into force.
Whilst changes to KCSIE for 2024-2025 might be minimal, it’s vital that all school staff understand how it impacts their roles and responsibilities.
Join us to explore how Every’s Documents and Policies module helps you feel assured all staff have acknowledged the updates to the statutory guidance.
- Wednesday 2nd October
- 2pm to 2:30pm
Is the education sector in its modern employee management era?
Words like ‘holistic’ are thrown around to describe modern methods of HR management, but what does that actually mean?
During this 60-minute session, Alex Edwards discussed how HR in the education sector is undergoing an exciting transformation away from a transactional service and into one that’s truly adding value to the staff it’s responsible for.
- Thursday 1st August
- 11am to 12pm
GEMS part 1: How to put GEMS guidance into daily practice to support your strategic estate vision
- Tuesday 25th June
- 10:30am to 11:30am
GEMS part 2: How to make funding go further with effective condition management
So you’ve got an estates vision for the next few years, but is your estates strategy set up to achieve it?
In part 2 of our GEMS webinar series, Ben’s going to be focussing on funding – the aspect of estates management with all the power, yet the one that often feels like the gatekeeper to success.
He’s going to be talking you through best practice to make funding go further using our compliance management solution (Every Compliance By IRIS.
- Tuesday 2nd July
- 10:30am to 11:30am
How to boost confidence in the Single Central Record
Your school’s SCR is one of the many statutory requirements to ensure the safety and security of students. And also one of the first points of focus for when that call from Ofsted comes in!
Boost confidence in your SCR year-round by watching this 30-minute session. Get a whistle-stop tour of the difference managing the Single Central Record with our HR software (Every HR) makes to your school or MAT.
- Wednesday 22nd May
- 10am to 10:30am
What’s the real cost of staff absences to your MAT or school?
In April, we spoke to Nicola Johnson, Director of People and Culture at Prince Albert Community Trust, for first-hand insight on how the trust is responding to the challenge of staff absences.
- Tuesday 16th April
- 2pm to 2:45pm
Did you know that Every HR and Every Compliance are modular systems?
That means you can start with 1 or 2 modules and grow into the system as your school or trust’s needs evolve.
Take a look at some of the modules available in Every HR and Every Compliance!