More and more Local Authorities are delegating responsibility for maintaining school buildings down to the local level. As part of this move some of you will have been provided with your Property Handbooks.

If you don’t already know, these are the guides that hint at all the maintenance items you’re supposed to have been doing or receiving as part of your service packs.

I’ve spoken to over 200 schools in the last six months, and here are some of the most common school comments about these guides:

  • “There are a lot of items we didn’t know we were supposed to be doing.”
  • “We thought the LA was doing all this for us.”
  • “We don’t know what’s already been done.”
  • “The book doesn’t include all the past inspections and documents, where are these?”
  • “My LA can’t provide me with evidence that they’ve been doing this for us in the past.”
  • “We can now shop around and look for the best deals knowing what we have to do.”
  • “Now we know what should be done we can manage our school our way.”

Some might say these are the fortunate schools; at least they have a handbook.

However, rather than a single book that sits on a shelf in the office, what is really needed is an interactive online version of this guide, a system that makes the administration of your school premises much simpler, smoother and safer.

Our solution, Every, is an online premises management tool enabling schools to manage their properties more effectively, whilst ensuring that statutory requirements for compliance and governance are visible and completed.

At its simplest, Every has been described as the interactive online equivalent of the Property Handbook. Amongst other features it contains a list of maintenance activities that should be completed, reminds the school of when they are due, allows for upload of certificates and reports, and includes an issues log for the day-to-day problems as well as reports for meetings.

Since launching in March, Every has been adopted by over 500 school users and here are some of the school comments about it:

  • “It provides me with the peace of mind that we’re doing everything that should be done”
  • “It’s the answer to my prayers, helping us to manage the H&S and maintenance more effectively.”
  • “It has everything in one place and will save me a lot of time, effort and hassle.”
  • “It scratches an itch that every school has.”
  • “It’s user friendly, summarised everything on a single page and produces reports quickly and easily.”

To see the Every system in action book a demo with a member of our team.