How often do you find yourself in a hurry and struggling to find a document buried under a mountain of email threads?
What about the holiday requests you're sure you're meant to have done, or the reports that take far more time than they should?
Spending too much time on reporting
We all know reporting is time-consuming, you don’t need me to tell you that.
In order to keep communication transparent between staff and board members, being able to pull reports such as Gender Pay Gap efficiently is critical. But if you’re using Excel, or an MIS designed for students, how can you pull reports quickly and easily?
Your solution should allow you to quickly pull a range of mandatory reports, each of which collate key data in user-friendly and digestible graphs. This will allow you to pull individual absence records, spot trends in sickness and absence and monitor employee turnover.
Struggling to keep remote staff up-to-date?
When a member of staff is working away from the premises and you have a change to processes that they need to read (and acknowledge), how can you communicate this message to them?
Using HR software, your staff can read and accept documents even when they’re away, meaning they’ll always be up to date with important changes within the school prior to returning. Likewise, if a member of staff is on Annual Leave, you can just as easily re-allocate permissions to view a certain document to an available staff member.
Using a paper-based system
When schools (or anyone for that matter) begin to rely on outdated paper-based ‘systems’ to manage employees, how can they be sure things aren’t going to get missed? What about the time spent looking through files and trying to locate all documents related to an individual if there is a request for them?
Switching to a software to manage these processes may seem daunting, but it’s important you have a system in place to store your documents for when you are inevitably not able to view these in the office. Wanting to have control over user-access on the system so only authorised people can view certain information and files? We’ve made this simple.
Interested to see how we can help you make these problems a thing of the past?
We can help you with the above, and much more.
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